Impact of Authentic Leadership Style on Job Satisfaction: Case of Insurance Sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Managing good employees in the current competitive business environment is one of the difficulties an organization is facing in order to accomplish their objectives. Having in mind that employees’ feelings, spirit regarding the job, commitment and engagement are among the biggest factors that should never be overlooked by the organization. All of these factors as well as their reactions to various aspects of the job and organization will seriously affect employees’ performance, involvement and engagement. Organizational leadership is one of the vital factors in all organizations as well as one of the key strategies to accomplish this purpose. This research inspects and tests the influence of authentic leadership style on employees’ satisfaction with their jobs in insurance companies from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Many industries and organizations, in particular the insurance industry, can benefit by this research with different advantages: learn about the enhancement and advantages of authentic leadership, suggestions for workers fulfillment and how authentic leadership can impact employees’ motivation and engagement. Regression analysis was conducted to test the hypothesis. Results indicate that authentic leadership style has significant effect on employees’ job satisfaction.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Ajana Sakic, Nereida Hadziahmetovic, Natasa Tandir

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International Journal of Human Resource Studies ISSN 2162-3058
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