Impact of Strength of Human Resource Management System on Employee Engagement: Chinese Perspective
This research aims to study the impact of HRM system strength on employee engagement based on a survey of 508 individual employees in Henan Province, China. Besides, the mediation effect of perceived organizational support is also studied. Research findings show that there is a significant positive relationship between HRM system strength and employee engagement, perceived organizational support has a mediating role between HRM system strength and employee engagement. The results of meta-correlation analysis show that the “consensus” dimension of HRM system strength has a significant positive influence on employee engagement, “consistency” dimension of HRM system strength has a significant negative influence on employee engagement, while “distinctiveness” has a weak relationship with employee engagement and failed the significance test. In order to improve employee engagement, this paper puts forward some management advice to strengthen the “consensus” feature of HRM system strength and to enhance employee perception of organizational support.
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