Human Resources Management Practices and Employees' Performance in Bahrain Airport Services Company
The objective of the research is to investigate, examine and analyze the impact of human resources management practices on the performance of the employees in the Bahrain Airport Services Company (BAS). The data was collected through a questionnaire that has been designed. The questionnaire was distributed to a random sample consisting of 346 employees representing the researched community. Software package SPSS 22, was used for data analysis. Analytical and descriptive methods were employed to answer the research questions and to test the research hypotheses. The results indicated that there is a statistically significant impact of human resources management practices on the performance of the employees in the Bahrain Airport Services Company (BAS). Finally, some recommendations have been suggested.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Ahmed Mohammed Arbab, Mohammed Youssif Abu Keir, Maryam Mohamed AlBastaki

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