Conceptual Framework Development for Job Satisfaction in Fujian Banking Industry, China
Job satisfaction is the major concern of employees and managers, which is an emotional reflection of employees at work and plays an important role in increasing job performance. If the job satisfaction of employees is lower than their expectation, they will reduce attendance with lower performance and even quit the job, which is the last thing that the managers expected. In addition, employees usually are unsatisfied when they involve a few parts of the job, or when they work overload with high work stress and feel uncomfortable to get along with their co-workers or supervisors at the workplace. Therefore, it is necessary to acknowledge the satisfaction of employees, when more than half of the Chinese workers were unsatisfied with their job. According to Herzberg’s two factors theory, factors that influence employees’ job satisfaction can be separated into two parts, hygiene factors, and satisfier factors, and they can be divided into many factors as well, such as job involvement, employment relationship and so on. While this study introduced three factors (job involvement, work stress, and employment relationship) that influence job satisfaction with previous studies and fundamental knowledge in Fujian Banking Industry, China. Furthermore, providing the research methodology of job satisfaction for future research.
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