The Effect of Job Analysis on Service Delivery in Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) 2005-2014
The issue of public service delivery has been a high priority subject for organizational researchers and practitioners alike in Nigeria. However, linking human resource management practices such as job analysis that has received considerable attention in developed western countries as a useful human resource planning tool towards improving service delivery in the country is relatively new and requires scholarly attention particularly in the context of Nigerian public sector organizations. Within the framework of New Public Management (NPM) theory, the study examined the effect of job analysis on service delivery in the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) 2005-2014. The study was guided by two research questions and hypotheses. The study adopted the survey research design. The study relied on primary and secondary data, and multiple stage sampling technique was used to select the sample population. Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and Simple Regression Analyses statistical techniques were used with the aid of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) to test the research hypotheses. Findings of the study show that job analysis has a significant effect on employee commitment in Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria at the 5percent levels. There is also a significant relationship between job analysis and quality of service delivery at the conventional 5percent levels. Given the pivotal role that job analysis plays in the 21st century, FAAN should adopt the conduct of job analysis as a basic human resource management tool for proper personnel utilization and improve quality of service delivery. FAAN should through job analysis, identify and develop proper employee commitment scheme, such as training and retraining, and performance review standards that could enhance service delivery. It should also make expertise available to conduct job analysis. This would assist to ensure that all critical aspects such as skills, knowledge and competencies are taken into consideration thereby eliminate the concept of garbage in garbage out.
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