Understanding Push and Pull Powers on Intention to Accept for 3D printer
With recent improvements in innovations, 3D printer is having a gradually to arouse people curiosity and meet their needs, and beginning to offer exciting and helpful new services. Of these innovations with helped people improve their live, such as miniature figurines or rebuild the wounded which is current recently. Nevertheless, are people willing to accept 3D printer with need and curiosity? There is a need to understand individuals push powers (need and curiosity) against pull power (inertia) on intention to accept and. The aim of this study was to build a new luxury acceptance model (LAM) and evaluate the effects of luxury value and pull and push powers on individual willingness to accept in 3D printer. The analytical results showed that no matter pull or push powers were the key factors for intention to accept 3D printer with online questionnaire survey. Further, findings also indicated that the links from push powers to intention to accept were stronger for the low pull power, supporting the moderating role of inertia. Implications and limitations of this study are briefly outlined.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijhrs.v9i2.14863
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