The Significance of Employability Training Courses According to Graduate Views: Empirical Research for Greece
There is a consensus that employability isn’t only gathering degrees and other qualifications but rather is a set of various factors such as possessing the right transferable skills, the knowledge of job market, the combination of personal attributes, the ongoing training, self presentation skills, networking and ego drive to navigate yourself effectively in a continuous changing world of work. On the other hand, there is an opinion in general that graduates have a remarkable problem to enter the job market for the first time. They don’t know how to search effectively for new job positions, how to present their skills and abilities towards the recruiters or employers and have no idea how to react in the interview process. Finally, employee candidates after graduation need help and consultancy to enter the job market.
This study aims to search the role of training courses in enhancing candidates’ employability outcomes according to their opinion. For this purpose, an empirical research has been conducted in order to explore the view of the candidates’ about the importance of relative courses to enhance their employability. In particular we asked two hundreds and thirteen post graduates students in Greece about their opinion of the usefulness in participating and attaint such courses. Furthermore, combined we asked them how much they agree with particular statements that employability is more than having someone qualifications.
Results show that employability training courses could contribute effectively in employability outcomes .Also participants agree to the statements that to be someone employable depends not only on their qualifications but also on other factors such as the effectiveness of utilizing job search methods, self promotion skills, networking etc.
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