Examining the Effect of Empowerment, Teamwork and Training on Employee Satisfaction in the Headquarters of the Tehran Social Security Organization
The status and role of human resources in the progress and development of the organization as the main source of the organization is of great importance and credit. Here, job satisfaction is more and more sought after by senior managers of the organizations. Thus, it is important to develop proper policies and plans for decision makers about the factors effective in increasing job satisfaction of employees. Thus, the purpose of this paper was to investigate the effect of empowerment, teamwork and education on job satisfaction of employees at the headquarters of the Tehran Social Security Organization. The research method was descriptive-correlational and the population was 1200 employees of the headquarters of the Social Security Organization (HSSO). Of these, 305 were selected based on Cochran's formula by simple random sampling. According to the Kemo and Bartlett test done, the research data are of sufficient reliability, so for analyzing the assumptions of the research, factor analysis and structural equation modeling tests were used with the help of SPSS21 and LISREL 8.83 software. The results of the research indicated that empowerment of employees, teamwork, and education had a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. In addition, staff training and teamwork have a positive and significant effect on employee empowerment.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijhrs.v9i4.14882
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