Analysis of Use of Mobile Media: Reasons of Use and Degree of Satisfaction Among Student Users of Mobile Media at Moscow Universities
What is the role of mobile media in public life today? What is its origin? How did it evolve, and how efficient is it in our lives? These are all surging topics research literature in today’s virtually interconnected world. There is no shortage of researchers in the modern world now focusing solely on how mobile media’s role in the world has taken shape, and how powerful it is, what impact it has on humanity, and so on.
In this study, before considering reasons of use and the degree of satisfaction students at Moscow universities find in their usage of mobile media in particular, then pans out to discuss how this reflects on more general trends in the usage of mobile media in today’s world, I consider the general picture of the process of using mobile media and examine more closely one particular part of the complex new process of mass communication – analysis the audience of mobile media and the general picture of the process of using mobile media at Moscow universities.
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International Journal of Human Resource Studies ISSN 2162-3058
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