Employee Turnover in the Fast Food Restaurants: Investigating the Role of Human Resource Management Practices
High Turnover (TO) rate among Fast Food Industry (FFI) employees is a critical issue faced by the Jordanian hospitality industry and be detrimental to the growth of the industry. Following that, is important to analyse the factors that lead to high TO rate among FFI employees. This study aims to examine the effect of Human Resource Management Practices (HRMP) and Intention to Leave (ITL) among FFI employees in Jordan. Five HRMP have been included in this study namely training, reward, benefit, performance appraisal and staffing. Using a sample of 245 FFI front-line employees working in Amman, this study has employed a quantitative research approach to answer the research questions. Multiple regression analyses using SPSS was performed to test the hypotheses of this study. As expected, HRMP namely, reward and benefit dimensions of HRMP found to be most significant practices in influencing ITL in this study. The findings of this study contribute to existing literature on the management of Human Resource (HR) and employee TO. It provides insights on the relationships between HRMP and ITL. Practical implications are also provided to managers to reduce TO among FFI employees in Jordan.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijhrs.v9i4.15559
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