In Pursuit of a Youth Life-Purposefulness Program
Dwelling on youth Life-Purposefulness, this paper explores how to enhance youth’s readiness for future economies. The detailed case study examines how life-purposefulness could be built and facilitated in different youths’ status, i.e. graduating youth, graduated, job-seekers, unemployed and youth that are not happy with their achievements, or current status.
The research questions how the technique followed by the ‘International Inspiration Economy Project (IIEP) youth summer program’ contributes to the capacity of youth participants’ life-time inspiration and legacy. The two years’ program experience is evaluated in the way they are set-up. The content analysis from literature is reflected in the IIEP program delivery, including the setup of the five phases of the life-purposefulness program conducted. A framework that targets to enhance youth’s capacity to leave a differentiated outcome and minimise their zero-status is proposed to cover the literature gap. The researcher argues that the involvement of youth in socio-economic projects during their search for a purpose would create a differentiation in their life-time contribution. The implications for the program and its framework, along with the paper limitations and perspectives for future empirical research, is suggested.
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International Journal of Human Resource Studies ISSN 2162-3058
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