Working Happiness in the Human Resource of a University Organization Based on Seligman’s PERMA Model
The article reviews the levels of working happiness of Human Resources working in a university organization in Mexico; was done the theoretical route under the gaze of the Welfare Theory proposed by Seligman (2010) and followers like Steen, Park, Peterson Salanova, Martinez and Llorens (2005), Contreras and Esguerra (2006) and others, as an explanatory framework that highlights the importance of identifying levels of happiness in work and in life, in an organization university. The methodology is empirical, descriptive and quantitative. The instrument used for data collection was the PERMA model. This instrument allowed identifying the levels of work happiness and the levels of happiness with life based on the methodological categorical criteria proposed by it were measured the following dimensions: Positive Emotions, Commitment, Positive Relationships, Meaning and Achievements. In the results of labor happiness an average of 31.34% was found, which is interpreted as poor happiness with their work. In the results of happiness in life the average was 33.79%, with which we could affirm that workers are deficient in happiness in their lives, which impacts on their emotional health and obviously on their work performance. An organization with poor organizational health.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Augusto Renato Pérez Mayo, Edgar Bahena Velaz, Nohemí Roque Nieto, Pablo Guerrero Sánchez

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
International Journal of Human Resource Studies ISSN 2162-3058
Copyright © Macrothink Institute
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