Role of Public Service Motivation, Organization Values and Reward Expectation on Performance of Public Sector Employees in Henan, China
The main objective of this study is to investigate the role of public service motivation, organization value and reward on performance of public sector employee in the Henan, China. Data is collected from adopted instrument from earlier studies. The researcher has collected data from 396 respondents by using online survey and self-administrative collection method. For analysis of data, SPSS and SmartPLS software were used. It has been concluded that role of organization values does not have a relationship with the performance of employees. The public service motivation and reward expectation plays an important role in employee job performance. The researcher found that earlier researchers’ assumption, the non-monetary benefits in public sector job least important are not valid in context of China Public sector employees. This research concludes that the employees who are working in public sector always look for both monetary and non-monetary benefits.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Yu-Jie Xu, Syarifah Mastura B. Syed Abu Bakar, Waqas Ali

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