Occupational Health: A Bibliometric Study on Stress
Occupational stress is responsible for numerous diseases in the behavioral, physiological, psychological and social field of workers. This study has as main objective to analyze the content of the works referenced, through bibliographical analysis, qualifying and quantifying the data collected on the work stress in the organizations of the present time, from the perspective of the scientific community. Firstly, the concepts, causes and consequences of occupational stress were identified, presenting solutions in the context of human rights, based on the analysis of the predictors of efficacy. Then, the method used was a bibliometric survey, based on electronic research platforms SPELL and SciELO and searching for the keywords were found 167 articles in the last ten years to find out which are the most researched areas on stress, what types of research and what groups are most searched. From the data collection, a quantification of the data was performed. The justification for this research was the authors' interest in contributing to the scientific community and to the groups of workers who are daily exposed to stressors. It could be concluded that stress is extremely dangerous for physical and mental health, as well as for organizational development. Harassment, totalitarianism, prejudice and exclusion are one of the main factors that lead the individual to work stress. In addition, based on research in Scielo alone, the Public sector is the one that most has research related to stress, with 46% of articles analysed. The Health area has the largest number of publications, with 50% of publications. Together, the qualitative and bibliographic researches account for 38%, against 62% of publications of quantitative methodology. This does not mean that stress is exclusive to public health workers, but an indication that the private sector lacks research related to organizational illness.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijhrs.v9i4.15864
Copyright (c) 2019 Alexandre Rodrigues Inácio de Azevedo, Adriana Maria Lamego Rezende, Matelane dos Anjos Rezende, Jéferson Valente Vieira, Elaine Santana de Souza Ferreira

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International Journal of Human Resource Studies ISSN 2162-3058
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