Inter-Clan Conflicts in Somalia: When Peace Happen (Case Study Baidoa District, Bay Region)
Various clans in Bay region have had conflicts over time onwards with the pastoral communities taking the lead. More specifically, Baidoa district has been registered several inter-clan conflicts within Digil and Mirifle tribe and sub tribes fighting over resources and political issues. This paper examines Inter-Clan Conflicts in Somalia with special reference to Baidoa district community. The study used descriptive research design. The target populations of this study were communities in Baidoa district. The study distributed questionnaire and purposive sampling due to security issue with 103 respondents of male and female who were more familiar with the background of inter-clan conflicts in Baidoa district. The data analyzed with SPSS version of 16.0. The findings show that land ownership dispute, pastures, water, and political power sharing and many other subjects are the major drivers of the inter-clan conflict amongst the communities in Baidoa district. Besides, the results also revealed that lack of rule of law and uncontrollable urbanization including internal displaced people has been frontline frequently rising of inter-clan conflicts due to occupying illegal lands without getting any permission by the land owner/state and many other unmanaged matters are still exist in Baidoa. Currently, the security situation in Baidoa district is quite good but not reliable because of Baidoa outskirts is under control of Al-Shabab militant. Peace is the heart and pillar upon with every life’s meaningful progress, security and social harmonize could be reach and continued in each nation’s life.
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