Effect of Organizational Sponsorship, Career Management Behaviour and Proactive Personality in Predicting Managers’ Subjective Career Success
The main aim of the study was to examine the role of organizational sponsorship, career management behaviour and proactive personality in predicting subjective career success of managerial staff in large scale manufacturing firms in Kenya. Primary data was collected using a sample of 255 managers from large scale manufacturing firms in Kenya based on descriptive survey. Hypothesis was tested using hierarchical regression model. The findings indicate that the joint effect of the predictor variables was greater than their individual effect on subjective career success. The study recommends that large manufacturing firms should facilitate their staff’s career success by providing them with organizational sponsorship programmes. The findings also point out the need for the staff to be proactive and to adopt suitable career management behaviour that can enhance their achievement of career success. Future researchers may benefit from the already established conceptual and methodological reference in their pursuit for further studies with regards to this area in different contexts.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijhrs.v10i4.17915
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