Mobility of Informal Sector Migrant Workers: History, Process, and Model of Decision to Settle in the Destination Area
This study determines the mobility of informal sector migrant workers from outside Bali in Denpasar City, Bali, Indonesia including the history of mobility before arriving in Denpasar City, the mobility process, and the decision model for settling in the destination area. The research was conducted in two locations in Denpasar City, namely West Denpasar District and South Denpasar District. The research data were collected by interview using a questionnaire and sampling was done by purposive sampling. History of mobility of migrant workers before arriving in Denpasar City, had lived in other places before their current place. The previous residence was another village in one sub-district and another sub-district in Denpasar City. The most reason for the decision to do mobility is dominated by the reason for getting a job. The reason for migrants to choose to work in Denpasar City is because the salaries/wages are higher than in their home areas and it is easier to find job than in their home regions. Most of respondents waited for their first job ≤3 weeks, with the source of assistance in getting the first job dominated by assistance from family/relatives. The source of assistance in finding a place to live for the first time, partly by their ownself, and the rest are accommodated by relatives/family. Significant factors influencing migrants' decision to plan to settle in the destination are the variables of Age, working hours per day, status of home ownership, source of assistance for first-time residence, and sub-district of the respondent's residence.
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