Linking Challenge Stress, Negative Affect, and Work Engagement: The Moderating Effect of Self-Compassion
Dealing with challenging stressors is unquestionably the cornerstone of work life. On the other hand, challenge stress alters employees' work engagement and makes them feel unsure of their ability to develop careers and perform well. In this study, we tested the mediating effects of negative affect on the negative relationship between challenge stress and work engagement. This relationship was moderated directly by self-compassion. Data from 137 employed professionals enrolled in the Executive MBA in one of the largest Chinese universities were used to test these relationships. Data analysis results show that challenge stress has a significant negative effect on work engagement while negative affect mediated this relationship. The relationship between challenge stressors, negative affect, and work engagement was directly and indirectly moderated by self-compassion. We finished by discussing the theoretical and practical implications.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Christophe RUKUNDO, Jean-Noel BEKA BE NGUEMA, Cynthia Atamba, Mohamed Habuba Halima, Akorfa Neku

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