The Trend of Research on Transformational Leadership Literature: A Bibliometric Analysis
The development of transformational research publication has increased gradually, and the trends were consistently rising. Therefore, the study aims to analyse the scientific literature published in the field of transformational leadership research. Scopus database was utilised to assemble literature on transformational leadership field based on the ‘keywords’ search results, and the study finalised 2,136 valid documents for further analysis. Authors then employed VOS viewer for data visualisation purpose. The results show an increase in the literature on transformational leadership from 1987 until now. However, the number was slightly lower in 2015. Various studies have been conducted on transformational leadership involving the collaboration of multi-authors. Most of the publications were published in English, with a total of 161 authors from 96 different countries and 162 institutions.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Aminah Ahmad, Sylvia Nabila Azwa Ambad, Syed Jamal Abdul Nasir Syed Mohd

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