Factors Affecting the Selection of Human Resources Management as an Area of Specialization: A Conceptual Model
In modern times, the trends in students’ choice of specialization in the bachelor’s degree are changing rapidly. Therefore, this research study attempts to build a conceptual framework to uncover the relationship between students’ choice of specialization in Human Resources Management (HRM) and the factors that influence students’ decision making when selecting the area of specialization. This concept paper examines the independent variables (influential factors) which impact the selection of HRM as an area of specialization. The conceptualization supports the theoretical framework created to identify the personal factors, academic factors and social factors which lead to the selection of the area of specialization. The primary importance of this paper is that the conceptual framework can be used in other countries for academic purposes.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijhrs.v11i1.18102
Copyright (c) 2020 Fernando W.S.K, Jayasekara M.K.V.R, Sumanarathne W.G.G.M.J, Senevirathne H.B.M.C, Pathirana G.Y, Weerarathna R.S

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