Synoptic Review of Theory and Practice of Diversity Management
Diversity is a topic which has gained much momentum and currency in modern academic discourse partially because of globalisation and also partially because of the increased use of information technology in global transactions. The complex operations of multinational corporations across the globe require prudent and efficient management of employees from different backgrounds. Management of diversity means many things to many people. In this article, the authors delineate the importance, pros and cons of diversity management for firms, and also they deploy the analysis of some case study videos to bring to the fore the growing importance of the phenomenon of diversity. The authors used secondary data and qualitative analysis in their discourse. The authors reviewed literature from diverse sources to give a theoretical foundation to the article and at the same time they approached the topic in a multi-faceted manner to whet the appetite of both theoreticians and practitioners. The philosophical underpinning of their approach was based on Grounded Theory as it could be seen in the video case study narratives and in their own interpretative narrative of the subject.
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We hope that this article will immensely benefit all undergraduate and postgraduate students pursuing courses in International Human Resource Management, Conflict Resolution, Managing People Across Borders, among others, and those who work as expatriates, diplomats and practitioners in international organisations such as ILO, CIPD, UN and other agencies as well as in International Human Resource Management (IHRM) in connection with expatriates working for Multinational Corporations (MNCs).
Copyright (c) 2021 Kwesi Atta Sakyi, Geoffrey K. Mweshi, David Musona, Esnart Mwaba Tayali

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International Journal of Human Resource Studies ISSN 2162-3058
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