Competitive Capability of Some Typical Selected Veterinary Drug Manufacturers in Vietnam in the Context of International Economic Integration
In the process of deeper and broader integration into the world and regional economy, Vietnamese businesses in general and veterinary drug manufacturers in particular have had advantages as well as disadvantages. Veterinary medicine manufacturers’ advantages are, such as: market expansion, access to science and technology, access to capital, improving management skills, etc. Nevertheless, it also faces many challenges and risks. During the development phase, Vietnamese veterinary medicine manufacturers have to face robust competition from regional and international competitors. Besides, meeting industry standards (such as GMP) is also a prerequisite for veterinary drug manufacturers in Vietnam to focus on implementation. This study analyzes the competitiveness of Vietnamese veterinary drug manufacturers, on that basis gives discussions, thereby proposing some recommendations in order to enhance the competitiveness of Vietnamese veterinary medicine manufacturers in the context of international economic integration.
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