Exploring the Challenges Faced by Working Mothers and the Perceived Factors to Retain them in the Private Education Sector
The purpose of this exploratory study was to explore the challenges faced by working mothers in the education sector and the perceived policies and strategies to retain them in their current jobs. This basic qualitative study used in-depth semi-structured interviews to collect information from five working mothers with at least one child. Thematic analysis was done to analyse the data manually. The key challenges highlighted include work-life conflict, stereotyping, exhaustion, changing work schedule and career growth opportunities. The working mothers also stated that the key perceived policies and strategies to retain them include child-care support, working from home and flexible work arrangements. Generally, they stated that motherhood was their key priority, and they prioritised family overwork. The study provided an understanding to organisations on the challenges faced by working mothers and what policies organisations should focus on to retain them. This study was the first of its kind, and it provided in-depth experience and views of working mothers in the education sector. This paper makes contributions to work-life integration and career theory.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijhrs.v11i2.18457
Copyright (c) 2021 Hasani De Ravindranath, Jugindar Singh Kartar Singh, Thilageswary Arumugam, Janitha Kularajasingam

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