Impact of Flexible Working Arrangements in the Public Sector in Indonesia
The aim of this article is to examine the impact of flexible working arrangements in the public sector in Indonesia. From a theoretical perspective, this study examines the influence of flexible working arrangements on work-life conflict, work pressure, and organizational commitment. The focus is on employees engaged in the public sector in Indonesia as it regards this as a gap in current research. Most past studies on flexible working arrangements concentrate on large corporations in developed countries. There is a dearth of studies on the impact of flexible working arrangements on employee work-related outcomes in the public sector in Indonesia. In addition, empirical evidence concerning the association between flexible working arrangements and employee outcomes such as work-family conflict and organizational commitment shows inconsistent and mixed results. This was a quantitative study that used a survey method to collect data from 400 respondents. Descriptive and inferential statistics were generated using the SPSS software. The result showed that only organizational commitment was significantly correlated with flexible working arrangements. Work-family conflict and work pressure did not show a significant association with flexible work arrangements. This deviation from past studies could be attributed to cultural differences and policies in the public sector. This study provided new insights to organizations and human resource managers on the effect of the outcomes of flexible working arrangements. The findings revealed in this study are unique, and they provide support for the theory that flexible working conditions lead to increased organizational commitment. In terms of originality, past literature on flexible working arrangements mainly concentrates on large corporations or the private sector. With the growing importance of flexible working arrangements, there is a need to focus on the public sector.
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