Healing Loneliness Post-COVID-19: A Review of Multicultural Exploration of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy's Success in Western and Eastern Cultures
The global COVID-19 pandemic threatened physical health and triggered a surge in loneliness, particularly post-outbreak in Western and Eastern societies. This study explores the psychological implications and societal impact of loneliness in the era of widespread lockdowns, social distancing, and the new norm, including work-from-home practices. Loneliness, a distressing sense of isolation, intensified during the pandemic due to genetic, cultural, and digital factors linked to adverse mental and physical health effects. The research highlights loneliness as a buffer against social pain or a correlate of illness, and findings associate loneliness with age, relationships, and behavior.
Comparatively, Eastern societies experienced heightened loneliness, driven by a cultural emphasis on collectivism and face-to-face interactions. Innovative adaptations, such as virtual gatherings and online communities, helped mitigate the psychological impacts of social distancing. Both Eastern and Western societies relied on the digital landscape—virtual events, online communities, streaming services, and online gaming—to combat loneliness and foster connection. Understanding and addressing loneliness are vital for promoting mental well-being and resilience in the evolving global landscape.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijhrs.v14i1.21564
Copyright (c) 2023 Hsueh-Wen Wang

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
International Journal of Human Resource Studies ISSN 2162-3058
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