Adult Education and International Organizations (UNESCO): Contemporary Policies and Strategies

George Panagiotopoulos, Katerina Pertesi, Zoe Karanikola


In a rapidly changing world with its diverse spectrum of social characteristics that are currently defining our present period, its continual influx of migrating populations, the growing development of technology as well as the continual increasing rate of unemployment makes it more now than ever, necessary to develop not only international but also national policies that aim to support the viability and advancement of its citizens. International organizations constitute the corner stone of public policy for the confrontation of these challenges. More specifically, UNESCO and the institutions of the European Union (EU) should be called on to play a decisive role in the implementation of Agenda 2030 using the experience and the extended diplomatic networks that they possess. Consequently, important official texts of international policies concerning the prosperity of its citizens through adult education have been recorded. This research, through the qualitative analysis of the UNESCO (2016) text, is meant to highlight and study the dimensions of adult learning and how they can be made applicable. Through the analysis of the text, there are emerging thematic networks, which are related to policy making, a feature of which is the investment in lifelong learning, to disseminate good practices and to evaluate them. A cornerstone of policies, actions and decisions is also the social right of adult citizens.

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Copyright (c) 2018 George Panagiotopoulos, Katerina Pertesi, Zoe Karanikola

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