Factors That Influence Academic Stress Among Public University Students: The Case of Malaysia

Najihah Marha Yaacob, Nur Syarafana Afindi, Ahmad Suffian Mohd Zahari, Rohila Norhamizah Awang


Studying is typically associated with some levels of stress due to the adjustment to new social and educational settings, but academic stress problems among university students have become more prevalent. This study addresses a question of how academic stress, workload, performance, and facilities are related among the university students. It examines the relationship between academic facilities, self-regulation, academic workload, and academic performance, and academic stress among the university students. A total of 110 students voluntarily participated in this study and completed the questionnaire. The results of the multiple regression analysis reveal a significant relationship between academic workload and academic performance; however, there is no significant relationship between academic facilities and self-regulation and academic stress. The findings suggest that academic workload and academic performance are the most important factors that may influence academic stress among university students. Future research should increase and diversify the samples to improve the generalisability of the results.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/ijssr.v13i1.22366


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