History and Relevance of Patronage, the Civil Service Reform and the Pendleton Act: The Rationale for Congressional Intervention
The ownership of land determined ones importance. However, the church was one of the largest single property holders in Italy. By the 11th century, Bishops were competing with wealthy rural families to become patrons” of local land – owners. To combat the political problems in 1867 The Tenure of Office Act was passed during Andrew Jackson term; Congress passed the Act in an effort to secure a greater role in the appointive process. The act specific that those appointed with the advice and consent of the Senate could only be removed from office with the Senate’s approval. Hence, the goal of this research is to examine the implications of political pressure on the evolutionary process with new emergent paradigm characterized by three anti-government values: personal accountability limited and decentralized government, and community responsibility for delivery or social services.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/jpag.v7i2.10950
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