Conflict of Interest in Institutional Arrangement and Apparatus Placement Resource of Regional Expansion in Indonesia
This study aims to describe, analyze and assess exhaustively the implementation of institutional arrangement and the placement of local apparatus resources in the expansion area as well as the conflict of interest in the arrangement of regional institutions and placement of local apparatus resources and settlement of conflict of interest in regional institutions arrangement and the placement of local apparatus resources in the expansion area Pangandaran District. This study applies case study approach as qualitative method by interviewing eight participants (see Appendix 1) that are involved in regional expansion from various occupations. The gap of this study is the existence of the conflict of interest in the institutional arrangement and apparatus placement resource in the new regional expansion. This study found that there is a conflict association that caused the lack of development in regional expansion. The resolutions were as follows: (a) Establishment of a joint forum on a regular basis between the regent, council presidium and community leaders to discuss the plan and program areas. (B) The Regent accommodates the council presidium proposal, and put the appropriate and qualified officials. (C) Improve the performance of the region and increase cooperation in order to avoid misunderstanding by the local governments. Theoretically, this study is hoped could strengthen the conflict theory in the new district of regional expansion. On the other hand, the government’s role is hoped in arranging and managing the institution as well as apparatus resource in regional expansion by inventing the laws and policies to execute it.
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Journal of Public Administration and Governance ISSN 2161-7104
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