Governance, Good Governance, Organized Leadership and Meaningful Development: The Nigerian Experience
This paper discusses how the process of governance in Nigeria over the years has been characterized by many negative indications, while the world which our government is pretending to copy is fast entrenching in every facet of its laws and practices the sanctity of life. It also discusses how our electoral and political machinery are legitimizing murder as an acceptable paradigm of settlement of even minor brushes. Governance is supposed to be articulate and organized leadership to culminate meaningful development that will bring the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. Methodologically, the study was carried out using content analysis. Various existing document such as, historical evidence, newspaper reports, journal and existing archival records were content analyzed. Thus, while democracy in Nigeria is but a sham, good governance is still far in coming. The paper found out that the political class has continued to dispose and demonstrate known military attribute like corruption, civil authoritarianism, democratic dictatorship, brazen disrespect for human life, which have led to incessant killings as a political strategy. Rather than produce good governance that will develop the State, the above scenario has produced bad governance and further increased the poverty of the Nigerian populace. The paper recommended a general reconstruction of Nigeria’s political, social and economic infrastructure.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Adamson Duncan Ganiyu, Halima A. Godowolli, Lawal Joy Oritsedurotimi

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Journal of Public Administration and Governance ISSN 2161-7104
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