A Fresh Look at an Old Problem-Age Discrimination in Employment: Is There A Demographic and Political Trap?
This article asserts that age discrimination in the workplace remains a major problem in society today. The article traces the origin of legislation protecting older Americans from discrimination in the workplace from its earliest origins at the turn of the twentieth century and outlines the types of age discrimination and the remedies for violations of the federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, better known as the ADEA. The article also describes the major exceptions to the legislation and issues relating to ADEA waivers. The article concludes with an analysis of several important legal cases which call into question the vitality of the ADEA today and also offers several suggestions for future legislative and administrative actions in order to assure that the rights of older Americans are fully protected in the workplace.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/jpag.v8i1.12648
Copyright (c) 2018 Richard J. Hunter, Jr., John H. Shannon, Henry J. Amoroso

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