In Pursuit of Public Sector Efficiency and Value Innovation; the Blue Ocean Strategy
This paper examines key institutional drivers capable of fashioning an enabling environment for public sector efficiency. The study gathered evidence that institutional variables such as Innovation, Performance orientation, Value Creation and Budget Flexibility are good predictors of public sector efficiency. The extracted variables per the Factor Analysis accounted for 77.3% variance. Implying that, the 4 extracted factors have significant impact on the dependent variable with relatively high significant alpha value of p< 0.000, per the multiple regression output , corresponding to relatively positive unstandardized coefficients. This implies that, the explanatory variables are prominent determinants with strong evidence to reject the null hypothesis at 95% critical value. However, the Adjusted Square R2 indicates a significant relationship between Efficiency and the explanatory variables at 50.3%. The study concluded that, the public sector needs substantial empirical evidence to enlighten the real impact of key institutional drivers of efficiency and a conventional standard for measuring efficiency.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Yusheng Kong, Peter Yao Lartey, Fatoumata Binta Maci Bah, Nirmalya B. Biswas, Rupa Santosh Jaladi

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Journal of Public Administration and Governance ISSN 2161-7104
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