The Effects of Strategic Is on Firm Performance: An Empirical Study of the Three-Way Interaction Investigation of Turbulent Scenario

Adilson Carlos Yoshikuni, Alberto Luis Albertin


The purpose of this article is to explore how the domains of turbulence scenario moderate the relationship between strategic information systems (IS) and firm performance (FP). This research conducts a quantitative survey-based study with partial least squares (PLS) technique employing a sample of 196 firms from different industries located in Brazil that operate under an uncertain environment during an economic crisis. The findings confirm the existence of strong effects in the relationship between strategic IS and firm performance. Essentially, this research further finds that this relationship (strategic IS -> FP) is particularly pronounced in uncertain hostile environments and in cases where GDP is strongly negative by three-way interaction. Thus, the research results helped organizations and managers understand SIS value in the strategy-as-practice approach to Brazilian environmental uncertainty.

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