Technical Efficiency Analysis of Terubok Fisheries in Malaysia
Terubok fish is an estuarine fish that is significant among local fishermen because of high commercial value and it also constitutes to source of income for Terubok fishermen during its catching season. Therefore, due to high commercial value, Terubok fish has been subject to overfished and the population has been declining throughout the years. This study is carried out to analyse the efficiency performance of Terubok fisheries in Malaysia. A sample of actively Terubok fishermen was selected through stratified random sampling and the field survey has conducted at three different places in Sarawak. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Tobit Analysis were employed to determine the technical efficiency level and factors influencing technical efficiency among Terubok fishermen. The results of the study show that, most fishing units exhibit a low level of technical efficiency. This implies that either fishing inputs were used inefficiently, or insufficient inputs were used in fishing operations. The mean technical efficiency of the sample was estimated to be 0.304 using CRS Model, 0.406 using VRS Model and Scale Efficiency is 0.805. The determinant factors of efficiency among Terubok fishermen was among all, hours in a day, days spent in fishing per month, engine horsepower and fisherman association show positive sign towards efficiency contradictorily other determinant such as age, education, distance and length of vessels possess negative sign towards efficiency. These findings suggest that there’s urgent need to the efficiency level of the fishermen as this will indicate the impact of their living standard. With appropriate training and using more advanced technologies by the fishermen, the level of technical efficiency can be raised, segmented for inshore fisheries.
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