Harmony in Educational Institution: Management-Employee Union’s Shared Responsibility
The principle of shared responsibility is the key to harmony and cooperation between recognized employees’ union and management of the university. This study was conducted to analyze the attitude of the members of Wesleyan University Philippines-Faculty and Staff Association (WUPFSA) towards their union. Through the use of descriptive correlational research method, survey questionnaires, interviews, and cross-examination of secondary data, the study was able to: a) describe variables such association-demographic profile of the members, employees’ attitude towards union’s role, as well as problems encountered through the years; and b) determine the significant relationship between the socio-demographic profile of the employees and their attitude towards the association. The study also found out that the positive attitude of the employees towards the union is attributable to the commitment of the officers in the discharge of their duties and responsibilities. The positive attitude of members towards the management not only strengthens the union but also promotes peace and harmony within the educational milieu significantly boosting the morale of employees and generating activities which fosters academic excellence.
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