Autonomy in Budgeting Decisions of Local Government Union Councils: A Study of Bangladesh
Considering the critical influencing phenomena, the study explores the causal mechanism of influences, as well as how such process works that lead to shape the dominant implications of influences on local government Union Councils’ budgetary autonomy, leading to the impact on their local governance.
The research reveals the fact that the effects of the influencing phenomena on the budgetary autonomy of Union Councils in Bangladesh are evident with varying degrees and dimensions, but the influences do not always collide with the budgetary autonomy of Union Councils there. The indicator-based empirical analysis reveals that the magnitude of influences is almost double than that of the budgetary autonomy of Union Councils in Bangladesh. Thus, the autonomy of Union Councils in their budgeting decisions is a concern in the study of decentralization and local governance in Bangladesh.
Originality and significance:
The research contributed in the literature stream of public administration, specifically in decentralization, local government finance as well as budgeting, and in local governance studies. The study findings to some extent substantiated the rationality of conditional national government transfers to the sub-national governments in Bangladesh. Beyond the general theoretical and practical significance of the study, its findings led to inviting a fundamental debate on the national-local tax base system and appreciated the fact that central hindrance towards effective functioning of the local government Union Councils in Bangladesh is the crisis of ownership and competence of UP representatives.
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