Implementation of Transmigration Settlement Unit Transformation to Village Policy for Increasing Society Welfare in Indonesia
This research relies on the concept of process theory and policy implementation determinants from Hamdi (2014), where the theoretical concepts of policy implementation processes include dimensions of productivity, linearity, and efficiency, while the theoretical determinants of policy implementation include substance policy factors, behavior of implementing tasks, network interactions employment, target group participation, and resource factors. The research method used in this study is a qualitative research method with the characteristics of construction built on natural conditions, more descriptive, more emphasis on processes, inductive analysis, and more emphasis on the value or meaning contained in a data or event. In an effort to obtain accurate analysis results related to the process and the determinants of the implementation of the transmigration settlement unit transformation into Madapuhi Trans Village, the informants selected were all stakeholders at the local level, both local government and the community. This study found that the process of implementing the UPT transformation policy into Madapuhi Trans Village has not gone well, as indicated by low productivity, lack of linearity and lack of efficiency in policy implementation, as well as several factors that hinder successful implementation of policies such as Policy Substance, Implementing Task Behavior, Target Group Participation, and Resources. The supporting factors in implementing this policy are factors of network interaction. The results also showed that from the 5 determinants of policy implementation, the Target Group Participation factor was the most influential factor in the context of the implementation of the transformation of the transmigration settlement unit to the Madapuhi Trans Village. This study found that understanding harmony is also a determinant of policy implementation. The model produced by this research is the model of the Effectiveness of the Process of Implementing the Policy of Transforming the UPT into a village. Based on the results and findings of the study, it is suggested that a theory of the implementation of the transformation of the transmigration settlement unit into a village be developed, which includes the theory of the process of policy implementation and the determinant theory of policy implementation by Hamdi.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Jufri Syahruddin, Khasan Effendy, Muchlis Hamdi, Triyuni Soemartono

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Journal of Public Administration and Governance ISSN 2161-7104
Copyright © Macrothink Institute
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