Delegation Policy Implementation Model of Regent’S Authority to District Head (Camat) on Local Autonomy in Nias Regency North Sumatera Province
Recent policy has an orientation into national policy for find the pattern of regional development acceleration by minimalizing chance of budget leakiness that assumed to be unefficient, then lower governmental form learns to find a synergy to the upper governmental. While the upper government still on autonomy implementation until today rectified over and over again about authority in autonomy or institution aspect and controlling resources from regency to village. National Act Number 23 in 2014 about Regional Government only reaches the border of regional government affairs that also become a reference for regency to teach lower government, which is village. Besides, village and its governmental implementation has been guaranteed judicially through National Act Number 6 in 2014 about Village. Both national acts have consequences to guarantee realization of good governance of regencies/cities and/or villages so they can perform their autonomy to control and arrange each area of it. The data analyzed as qualitative phenomemologically.
Based on research results and discussion, we conclude that (1) Delegation policy implementation model of Regent’s authority to head district at Nias Regency not fully has meaning that the head district acts the regional affairs. This assumed that the delegation of authority to head district from Nias’ regent has not reached the truly authority that actually need to be handed over to head district for decide the fastest people’s sake. (2) Some factors impede the delegation of regent authority to head district at Nias Regency which are: district’s apparatus were classified less than good even form quantity and quality, the budget also classified as could not fulfilled people’s demand about maximum services, and there were no sincerity from technical agency to hand over the job authority to head district, which is, in this case, impressed as a long and compicated process then affects the lateness of law production that became head district’s standard to maximalize service to the people as a realization of authority devolution regent to head district at Nias Regency; (3) Created model in this research was an answer to implementation of authority delegation from regent to head district by looking people substances, regional headman and insitution aside.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Ayler Beniah Ndraha, Khasan Effendy, Ella Wargadinata, Kusworo Kusworo

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Journal of Public Administration and Governance ISSN 2161-7104
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