Good Governance as an Instauration Towards Socioeconomic Development: a Case Study of Pakistan
Good governance has been inclinational to a well-civilized society. The notion of governance has emphatically been promoted in the twenty-first century for sustainable socioeconomic development in a form of millennium & sustainable development goals (MDGs and SDGs). Because good governance is one of the multilayered stratagem being directly involved in a socioeconomic progression, it sets off a mechanism of modus operandi from higher to lower governing hierarchy. Significantly, it enlightens basic democratic system to levitate an infrastructure of good governance through standing on multidimensional pillars of accountability, transparency, rule of law and mass participation. Strategic planning of good governance overcomes the uneven justifications in all spheres of life. In fact, justified distribution of socioeconomic assets is deployed by the principles of good governance. That assists in maintaining the balance of power to not only initiate the development but cause its sustainability in the course of socioeconomic paradigms. Thus it is subsumed directly or indirectly in strengthening the individual, institutional, and societal capacity development. Impartially, a specific criterion of good governance has been designed as a tool effector in the national action plans of both developed and developing states. An accompaniment of good governance with socioeconomic sector in Pakistan has been distinguished as a critical phenomenon to the development process and to the effectiveness of development assistance. Because the issues of good governance are responsive to the present and future socioeconomic needs and developments, an insurance towards the condition of good governance urges major donors and international financial institutions to spread investment over socioeconomic challenges and reforms in Pakistan. Hence strategic planning and management highlighted with quality and standards reinvigorate the practice of good governance through assuring socioeconomic development as a reality and fortune of the nation.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Shama Zaman, Samina Saeed

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Journal of Public Administration and Governance ISSN 2161-7104
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