Improving the Quality of Public Complaints Services in Realizing Good Governance in Bondowoso District Inspectorate
One of the objectives of regional autonomy is to bring services closer to the community, public service issues faced by the community must be immediately responded by the government. By inventorying and analyzing, it is necessary to improve the quality of services that are effective and efficient. This research was conducted to find out the improvement of the quality of public complaint services in realizing good governance in the Bondowoso District Inspectorate using descriptive qualitative research methods and analyzed an interactive model with a service quality theory and good governance approach so that it was known to improve the quality of public complaint services in realizing good governance in the Bondowoso District Inspectorate This is done through the use of an e-government named SIPEKA and steps are taken to continue developing the community complaints system through improving facilities and infrastructure, improving the quality of the human resources of the surveillance apparatus, improving the handling system for civil society complaints, and increasing the handling of follow-up to the results of the examination. Improving the quality of services and the use of e-government is part of realizing good governance, because basically good governance becomes an impossible case without the participation of all people on the basis of shared commitment, upholding the nation-state principle with a clear distinction between private and public affairs.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Ahmad Homaidi, Syahrul Ibad

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Journal of Public Administration and Governance ISSN 2161-7104
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