Determinants of Board Contribution to Internal Controls and Good Governance: Evidence of Rural Banks in Ghana
This article attempts to explain the factors that affect the board’s behavior when it comes to enhancing internal controls in financial institutions, particularly rural banks. The variables examined in this study are not different from the traditional determinants of board effectiveness or internal controls, but except that between all the five variables measured four are technically board characteristics while one relates directly to internal controls. A total of 459 valid structured questionnaire were analyzed based on the feedback gathered from various banks where employees, management and board members shared their views on the factors that would influence the board’s posture to enhance good governance and internal controls. The outcome of the study provided a convincing evidence that, internal audit, external consultancy and the audit committee are dominant determinants of internal control and good governance. Subsequent, examinations using the R square also confirms accuracy of predictions recorded in the principal component analysis. Further studies may analysis the size of the board relative to the increasing functions of ensuring compliance, independence and strategic decisions. This analysis is based on an African institutional context, but could be a universal tool.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Rauf Ibrahim, Du Jianguo, Santosh Rupa Jaladi, Peter Lartey Yao, Amponsah Clinton Kwabena

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