Corruption, Emotional Intelligence, and Leadership: Leadership Analysis From The Seventh President of the Republic of Indonesia
After the proclamation of Indonesian independence on August 17, 1945, the founding fathers of the nation formulated the objectives of the Indonesian state as stated in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution. In an effort to achieve the intended national goals, the President of the Republic of Indonesia, since the era of President Sukarno until now namely President Joko Widodo has implemented various policies. One of the national policies in the reform era, namely the 1990s, was a change in the principle of government from centralization to decentralization. Since the implementation of the decentralization principle there have been two prominent issues relating to the Regional Head First, the number of Regional Heads sentenced to prison for committing corruption and accepting bribes. Secondly, the emergence of Joko Widodo, who in his second term as Mayor of Solo, was elected as the Governor of DKI Jakarta Province in 2012 to 2017, and later in the 2014 Presidential election, was elected as the seventh President of the Republic of Indonesia. The success of Joko Widodo to gain the above achievements mostly because Joko Widodo implemented the dimensions of transformational leadership and dimensions of emotional intelligence in his leadership so that the community and staff were satisfied and then provided support to him. The author believes that Joko Widodo 'i childhood experience, religious practices, Javanese culture practices, and furniture business experience formed the dimensions of emotional intelligence and transformational leadership dimensions in Joko Widodo's leadership.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Pustaka Bangun, Aries Djaenuri, Lalu Wildan

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Journal of Public Administration and Governance ISSN 2161-7104
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