Lean Six Sigma Methodology: The Nub to Boost the Public Healthcare System in Egypt
For many decades, the Egyptian people have suffered from deplorable public healthcare service featured by indolence, malfunction and traditionalism. Although, healthcare is a distinctive service industry concerning various complicated responsibilities; but the consecutive government of Egypt had badly handled such issue. Then, the apathetic performance of the public healthcare service becomes a dilemma for the people of Egypt; especially the poor among them. Therefore, the foundation of an adequate public healthcare service system, that respect the dignity of the people and respond to their arising health care needs; was frequently on the agenda priorities of the Egyptian governments after the 2011 and 2013 uprisings. Hence recently, the government -after reaching political and economic stability- seeks to build an ambitious newly public health care system to meet the expectation of the people to acquire high standard inexpensive and hasty public healthcare services. Consequently, in order to realize such aim; the Egyptian government had established the public agency for accreditation and quality control according to law no.2 of comprehensive healthcare insurance system issued at 2018. Then, it urges a national campaign to reform the public healthcare sector and to develop the efficacy and quality of its services. Hence, this paper aims to propose how the public healthcare organizations in Egypt can tackle various challenges and enhance adequately its capabilities; in order to be able to adopt the proposed Lean Six Sigma (LSS) methodology effectively; which can then provide an adequate framework for creating organized improvement exertions in healthcare; necessary to bestow guidelines on how to manage a quality service system to patient satisfaction by decreasing waste, variation and work disparity in the service processes.
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