Appraisal in the Public Service, Instrument of Human Resource Management
The purpose of this article was to put forward staff appraisal process in the Public Service of advanced countries. Even if British and French Civil Services have different characteristics coming from their specific cultures, even if staff appraisal development has followed different rhythms, they meet together to consider that appraisal is a key instrument to improve public performance and Human Resource Management.
Pay related to performance (PRP) triggers international debates because some consider it as ineffective and a source of discord inside a working team. But the two countries have to address the problem to find how to motivate their staff. The British civil servants seem less reluctant to PRP than their French homologues who feel more comfortable with a collective approach of appraisal, even if this system is criticized because some poor contributors may hide themselves behind good performers. The solution that could be prescribed would consist in using a collective approach of appraisal in combination of a system rewarding individual performers, in order to motivate staff individually and collectively as well.
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Journal of Public Administration and Governance ISSN 2161-7104
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