Factors Influencing Consumer Online Purchase Intentions of Fashion Products on the Cross-Border E-Commerce
The cross-border e-commerce is expanding more than ever, however, despite its notable share in the e-commerce market, there is little attention on the studies of B2C cross-border e-commerce. There is also limited research that examines the factors that influence consumers to purchase on cross-border e-commerce although there is quite a number of past research that investigates consumers' intention to purchase online. On the other hand, e-commerce fashion is absolutely evolving at a fast pace. What worked two years ago may no longer be relevant due to changing consumer preferences and perceptions. Hence, it is crucial to examine the fashion market and investigate the importance of consumers’ perceived values that may influence consumers’ purchase intentions. Following this, 113 data sets from Malaysians living in Klang Valley could be obtained through online surveys. The data was then analysed to identify the relationship between the variables by using multiple linear regression via SPSS. It can be concluded that hedonic value and social value have a significant relationship with purchase intention. However, there is no significant relationship between utilitarian value and purchase intention. Global managers and marketing professionals who want to increase consumers' propensity for online shopping should consider whether their messages to consumers, the variety of products and brands offered, marketing strategies, and pricing should be more utilitarian or hedonistic in nature. Additionally, managers need to create suitable initiatives to motivate the kinds of value perceptions in consumers that will significantly boost their propensity for cross-border online shopping.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5296/bms.v13i2.20299
Copyright (c) 2022 Najwa Amani Mohd Salim, Najwa Amani Mohd Salim, Logama Doraisamy

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Business Management and Strategy ISSN 2157-6068
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