Economic Development and Sultan Zainul Abidin in Kashmir

Syed Damsaz Ali Andrabi


Among all nations and races that have come into contact with Kashmir none of them has left everlasting impact on culture of the Valley as Central Asia. Contacts with Central Asia were developed long before the political domination of Muslims. The foundation of Shah Miri opened the floodgates for the infiltration of Persian and Central Asian people in Valley of Kashmir especially during the reign of Sultan Zainul Abidin. When he ascended the throne in (823.A.H./1420.A.D) the whole administrative machinery had collapsed due to the narrow policy of Sultan Sikandar and Sultan Ali Shah but he reconstructed it successfully. His assiduous work turned Valley of Kashmir into industrial garden. Many new arts and crafts were introduced in the Valley of Kashmir. By this way whole Valley was engulfed by peace and prosperity.

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