Corporate Behavior in the Petrochemical Industry
This case study, which investigates Taiwanese bellwether corporate groups in the petrochemical industry, explores employee observations and distinguishes these from general stakeholders’ perspectives as organizational outsiders. The exploration involves in-depth discussions of the prevailing social atmosphere as environmental awareness emerges, and the linkages between corporate social responsibility (CSR), organizational commitment (OC), and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB).
The study is based on models established by Taiwanese and international scholars addressing CSR’s effects on OC and OCB. The study conducted a staff survey at several corporate groups’ individual factories, selected using stratified sampling. Of 1,500 questionnaires distributed, 784 valid responses were collected. A five-point Likert scale was used to summarize data and conduct descriptive analysis, followed by confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling.
With respect to the research hypotheses, the study finds that: (1) CSR has a significant and positive effect on OC; (2) CSR has a significant and positive effect on OCB; (3) OC has a significant and positive effect on OCB; and (4) CSR uses OC to generate an intermediary effect affecting OCB.
Practical implications
This study and its conclusions provide specific recommendations for industry and organizational insiders regarding how to fulfill CSR, improve OC, and achieve OCB.
In an environment characterized by changing global socioeconomic conditions, this study provides academic and practical research recommendations for the petrochemical industry as well as recommendations for future research.
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