Assessing Tool for the Professional Profile of the Candidate School Directors-The Greek Legislative Framework
In order to fill the positions of the executives of the public education, and in particular for the selection of Directors of Secondary General Education Schools, teachers of public Education are selected on the basis of tables that drawn up according to the provisions of the respective laws. The research aimed to analyze the issue of evaluation/assessment of the professional profile of the School Directors-Candidates in Secondary Education, with the synthesis of the assessing criteria used in the last 20 years in Greece by the Ministry of Education in order to create, as result, an assessing tool for the selection of school directors. Through the research it is attempted to highlight how professionally structured the Greek legislation requires to be the Directors of Secondary Education, i.e. how scientifically and pedagogically trained (I), how its administrative and downstream experience (II) is valued and how their Personality (III) are.
The results of the research are pictured in the ‘Assessing Tool for the Candidate School Director's Professional Profile', in Secondary Education.
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International Journal of Human Resource Studies ISSN 2162-3058
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