The Impact of Political Skills on Job Outcomes: Moderating Role of Psychological Empowerment
The present study intended to address perceived organizational support (POS), organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), job satisfaction and intention to quit, outcome of the political skills. First, study examined the prediction power of the political skills address perceived organizational support (POS), organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), job satisfaction and intention to quit; bottom-line to find the moderation effect of psychological empowerment on prescribed relationship. It is also evident that employees, who are mentally strong, psychologically empowered and dedicated towards the organization, have degree to influence someone, having self-efficacy and are self-determined. Using simple random sampling methodology, data were collected from nine different public and private corporate sector of Lahore. Study utilized sample of 310 employees. The study revealed that political skills has positive effects on perceived organizational support (POS), organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB), job satisfaction; a negative effect on intention to quit, results revealed by regression technique. The presence of positive political skills seemed to urge employees to perform well at the job, moderation effect were tested by Preacher, Rucker, & Hayes (2007) moderation process. Study finds the moderation support of psychological empowerment on the relationship of political skills toward perceived organizational support (POS), organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), job satisfaction; however, study could not find moderation effect on political skills toward intention to quit. Results of the study highlighted the importance of inculcating a positive work environment, which complements by positive political skills, and will be discussed. Limitations of study, future research directions and results underscore the importance of considering the direction of positive political skills.
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