Relationship between Core Self-Evaluation and Academic Procrastination among Female Students in Saudi Arabia
Four personality traits of core self-evaluation are used to describe human character and their behavior. Personality comes from within the person and remains consistent throughout his or her life. Therefore, many research papers and academic studies were carried out to understand personality and its connection to academic related behavior. This study is examined the relationship between personality dimensions and academic procrastination. This is a survey research primarily rely on data collected from undergraduate students. For this research, female undergraduates from Universities in Saudi Arabia were selected. To select the sample, three private universities are selected from the eastern province randomly and then 160 students randomly chosen for the test. The data collection is conducted by using online survey website that is only given to the selected students. The dependent variable in the analysis is the measure of academic procrastination of female Saudi students in private universities and independent variables are four personality traits defined under the core self-evaluation; self-esteem, locus of control, generalized self-efficacy and emotional stability. Collected data is analysed through; mean, standard deviation, correlation, and regression analysis. The results of the study obtained proved that there is a significance negative relationship between self-esteem, generalized self-efficacy and emotional stability and students’ academic procrastination behavior. Also, there was a slightly positive relationship between a locus of control and students’ procrastination behavior. However, according to the regression analysis all four personality traits are significant but show negative impact on students’ procrastination behavior.
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